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In cases in a sentence

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Sentence count:216+4Posted:2018-11-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: incasein caseencasecasesencasedin case ofjust in caseencasement
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61 It almost always meant a guilty verdict, and was usually in cases where the defendant was clearly guilty of the crime.
62 The position may be complicated still further in cases where an officer of one authority is a councillor in another.
63 In cases like this, the solution is to choose for teaching the words most likely to be needed by your pupils.
64 In cases where a young child was formally adopted by a family,[Sentence dictionary] visits were usually discontinued.
65 These can be very helpful in cases where lack of muscle tone is the main reason for incontinence.
66 This chapter examines how the courts have applied these principles in cases involving teachers.
67 Even in cases where teachers clearly disagreed with advisers' recommendations, they had at least been forced to reconsider their existing practices.
68 A terrifying warning was occasionally administered in cases where extenuating circumstances existed.
69 Consultation and investigation Having your say Employers should avoid making snap decisions in cases of sickness absence.
70 In cases concerning children it is often necessary to subjugate justice to the adults to the interests of the children.
71 For in cases such as these, tariff considerations may be much less relevant, if at all.
72 Other possibilities are the use of a broader range of amicus curiae briefs in cases involving issues of supervision.
73 In cases of doubt a bone marrow aspirate, which is the best guide to body iron stores, should be examined.
74 In cases where the route does not follow a geodesic it would be necessary to split the path into infinitesimal steps.
75 He seized the assets of all those he held, doubtless exceeding his authority in cases of the very wealthy.
76 This kind of flotation to raise large capital sums has already been seen in cases such as Bairstow Eves and Connells.
77 The sellers had agreed to sell a quantity of tinned pears which were to be packed in cases containing 30 tins each.
78 In cases like that it's the next of kin they want.
79 In cases such as the present both the concept of want of consideration and payment under implied compulsion are in play.
80 The consequences of that are only too apparent in cases such as that of Andrew Docherty.
81 Viral cultures during an attack will give the diagnosis in cases such as these.
82 At the same time, fever can make us worse in cases of widespread blood infection, or sepsis.
83 Beveridge made proposals for a separation benefit, to be paid only in cases of formal separation not caused by the wife.
84 You are allowed time off work only in cases of serious illness or bereavement.
85 In cases like this, the company has to be sold off to someone who can cope with the debt.
86 In cases of conduction aphasia, comprehension of spoken words and simple spoken sentences can be intact.
87 Employee vacancies will not be filled except in cases where the position has a direct effect on public services.
88 Does not the court indicate that it is necessary to inquire into the adequacy of the consideration in cases of this type?
89 Deep tendon reflexes are usually diminished, but in cases with prominent lateral column disease may be hyperactive with extensor plantar reflexes.
90 In cases of rupture, lightheadedness or shock may occur.
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